Photoelectric Effect Calculator

Photoelectric Effect Calculator

Working Of Photoelectric Effect Calculator

The Photoelectric Effect Calculator work on this equation ‘KE = hν – Φ’ and to use Photoelectric Effect Calculator we have to just put the value of Frequency (ν), Work Function (Φ) and Threshold Frequency (ν0) and either of two input and just press on calculate button and then we got the result in the form of Kinetic Energy of Electrons (KE), Stopping Potential (Vst).

Photoelectric Effect Definition and Formula

The Photoelectric effect is the phenomenon where electrons are emitted from a metal surface when light fall on it. The energy of the emitted electrons is dependent on the frequency of the light shining on the metal and the work function of the metal. The work function is the minimum amount of energy required to remove an electron from the surface of a metal.

The formula to calculate the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electrons is

KE = hν – Φ

The Photoelectric effect can be described by the following equations:

  • Kinetic energy of the emitted electrons (KE) = hν – Φ

where h is Planck’s constant, ν is the frequency of the light falling on the metal, and Φ is the work function of the metal.

  • Stopping potential (Vst) = hν0 / e

where h is Planck’s constant, ν0 is the threshold frequency, and e is the charge of an electron.

The threshold frequency is the minimum frequency at which electrons can be emitted from the metal surface. If the frequency of the light falling on the metal is less than the threshold frequency, no electrons will be emitted.

If the frequency of the light falling on the metal is greater than the threshold frequency, electrons will be emitted and the kinetic energy of the electrons will be dependent on the frequency of the light striking on the metal.

The stopping potential is the minimum voltage required to stop the electrons from being emitted.

A ‘Photoelectric Effect Calculator‘ uses these equations to calculate the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons and the stopping potential based on the input values of frequency, work function and threshold frequency.

Application of Photoelectric Effect

The Photoelectric effect has a wide range of applications in various fields of science and technology such as:

  1. Photocells: Photocells are devices that convert light energy into electrical energy. They are widely used in automatic door openers, burglar alarms, and other devices that require light detection.
  2. Photodetectors: Photodetectors are devices that detect light and generate an electrical current or voltage in response. They are used in applications such as night vision goggles, optical communication systems, and medical imaging.
  3. Spectrophotometry: Spectrophotometry is the quantitative study of the interaction between light and matter. It is used in fields such as chemistry, physics, and biology to analyze the composition of substances, measure the concentration of a chemical in a solution, and study the absorption and emission spectra of molecules.
  4. Solar Panels: Solar panels use the Photoelectric effect to convert light energy into electrical energy. Solar panels are widely used in solar power systems for homes, buildings and large scale power generation.
  5. Quantum Mechanics: The Photoelectric effect was one of the key experiments that led to the development of quantum mechanics. It provided evidence for the quantization of energy and the wave-particle duality of light.

In summary, the Photoelectric effect and its calculator play an important role in many areas of physics, chemistry, and technology, which helps in understanding and developing new technologies to harness energy and improve our daily life.

FAQ’s on Photoelectric Effect

What are the three laws of photoelectric effect?

The first law, also known as the intensity law, states that the number of electrons emitted per unit time (i.e. current) is directly proportional to the intensity of the incident light. This means that as the intensity of the light increases, the number of electrons emitted also increases.

The second law, also known as the frequency law, states that the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons is directly proportional to the frequency of the incident light. This means that as the frequency of the light increases, the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons also increases.

The third law, also known as the threshold law, states that the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons is independent of the intensity of the incident light but depends only on the frequency of the incident light. This means that for a given frequency of light, the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons will be the same regardless of the intensity of the light.

Does photoelectric effect depend on frequency?

Yes, the Photoelectric effect depends on the frequency of the incident light. The second law of the Photoelectric effect, also known as the frequency law, states that the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons is directly proportional to the frequency of the incident light. This means that as the frequency of the light increases, the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons also increases.

What is stopping potential?

Stopping potential, also known as the cut-off potential or the threshold potential, is a measure of the minimum voltage required to stop the electrons from being emitted in the Photoelectric effect. It is the voltage at which the current of electrons emitted from the metal surface reaches zero.