State and prove green’s theorem

State and prove green's theorem

Statement of Green’s theorem Green’s theorem is the extension of Stoke’s theorem and the divergence theorem. According to this theorem, if ϕ and ψ be the scalar functions, then Proof of Green’s theorem Let a vector According to the divergence theorem. Substituting the value of eqn. (2) in eqn. (1) we get Which is the … Read more

Prove Divergence and Curl of magnetic field

Divergence and Curl of magnetic field

Divergence and Curl of magnetic field Divergence of Magnetic Field We know, the magnetic field produced by a current element Id L vector at a point P (x,y,z) whose distance from the current element r is given by Therefore, the magnetic field at P due to the whole current loop is given by Taking divergence … Read more

What is the main application of ampere’s circuital law?

application of ampere's circuital law

Ampere’s circuital law has many applications in calculating magnetic field at any point due to current-carrying wire, current-carrying solenoid, and toroid. Application of ampere’s circuital law Ampere Circuital Law has basically 3 major applications: Magnetic field due to a current carrying long wire Magnetic field at a point outside the wire A current carrying long … Read more

Stokes Theorem

Stokes Theorem

Stokes Theorem Statement According to this theorem, the line integral of a vector field A vector around any closed curve is equal to the surface integral of the curl of A vector taken over any surface S of which the curve is a bounding edge. Stokes Theorem Proof Let A vector be the vector field … Read more

What is a cyclotron? Construction and working of a cyclotron.

Construction and Working of a Cyclotron

In cyclic accelerators, particles move in a circle until they acquire sufficient high energy. Examples of such accelerators are cyclotron, betatron, synchro-cyclotron, synchrotron, proton synchrotron.  Construction and Working of a Cyclotron What is cyclotron ? It is a device designed by Lawrence and Livingston in 1931 to accelerate heavy particle charged particles (like proton, deuteron, … Read more

Difference between the n-type and p-type Semiconductor

Difference between the n-type and p-type Semiconductor

These are the basic, difference between the n-type and p-type semiconductor Sr. No. P-type Semiconductor N-type Semiconductor 1. A p-type semiconductor is formed by adding a III group element as a doping element. In an n-type semiconductor, the V group element is added as a doping element. 2. An impurity added creates a vacancy of … Read more

What is Ionization Chamber? Principle, Construction and working.

Ionization Chamber

Ionization Chamber an Overview What is ionization Chamber The ionization chamber is a gas-filled radiation detector, and is widely used for the detection and measurement of nuclear particles and certain types of ionizing radiation; X-rays, γ rays, and β particles.  Ionization Chamber Principle The term “ionization chamber” is used to describe those detectors that are … Read more